:: Estimate Prices ::
Prices are estimate from project size 3d anímácie a vizualizácie, architektonické vizualizácie, počítačová animácia, vizošky pre architektov, vizualitácie budov, vizualizácie rodinných domov, vizualizáacia obývacej izby, moderný interiér, developerské projekty, počítačová grafika, urbanistická štúdia, architektonická štúdia, vizualizácia kúpeľne, exteriérová vizualizácia |
Interior visualization - residential modern, maximum of 4 full resolution 2560x1440 images |
200,00 €/1 room |
Interior visualization - commercial, historical, organic shapes , max. 12 full resolution 2560x1440 images |
600,00 €/1 room |
Exterior visualisation - family house up to 150 sqm built-up area, max 2 stories, max. 8 full resolution 2560x1440 images |
400,00 €/1 scene |
Exterior visualisation - any other building up to 5000 sqm floor area, max. 12 full resolution 2560x1440 images |
600,00 €/1 scene |
Exterior visualisation - any building historical design or modern building over 5000 sqm floor area, max. 20 full res. images |
1000,00 €/1 scene |
Scene modification due to project changes |
from 50,00 €/scene |
Full resolution 2560x1440 pixels rendering of modified scene |
10,00 €/image |
Camera animation rendering 25 fps, 1920x1080 pixels Full HD1080 |
50,00 €/second |
Still image rendering of size over 2560x1440 pixels |
3,00 €/megapixel |
Stages of work: 1, Customers sends a project and all requirements for review. 2, Customer receives an price offer. 3, If price is accepted by customer, firm order have to be sent. Orders over 800,00 € are charged by 50% of price in advance 4, Work starts after firm order confirmation. 5, Within necessary time a virtual 3D scene is created. If there are changes to a project during scene creation, which have to be incorporated into 3d scene, these can be charged, depending on their range and difficulty. 6, Afetr scene is completed, first set of low resolution 640x360 pixels watermarked preview renderings is sent to customer by e-mail for review. Customer is charged 80% of estimate price if cancels firm order at this point. 7, Possible further changes in the 3D scene can be incorporated for aditional charge. Change of colours or camera positions are not charged. 8, Services are VAT free. An invoice is sent to customer and final rendering starts. It can take 2-8 hours per single still image and 2-10 minutes per standard DV animation frame. 9, After payment is completed, customer receives download link. |